Donate Now

Nourish neighbors in need

Your gift helps us feed thousands of people each month and supports the diverse missions of our partner agencies throughout Greater Boston.

We accept donations in many forms:

Honor or Memory Gifts

Use the ‘Dedicate This Donation’ button on the online donation form here to pay tribute to someone special with a gift in their honor or memory.

Monthly Donations

Committing to a monthly gift is an affordable, convenient way to support Community Cooks and provides us with a reliable source of income. You authorize Stripe to charge your credit or debit card for as little as $10 each month.

Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

If you would like to donate to Community Cooks via your DAF, please share the following information with your financial advisor OR utilize the DAF Direct widget below (compatible with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund).

Organization Name: Community Cooks, Inc.
Address: 337 Somerville Ave, Somerville, MA 02143
EIN: 45-2351381

Join Our Visionaries Circle

Our Visionaries Circle is an ever-growing core group of community members whose long-term financial investment in CC helps sustain our organization. VC members make three-year pledges, with annual gifts ranging from $2,500 to $35,000+ that provide us with the ability to grow strategically, think creatively, and plan for the future. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Daniele Levine at

Employee Matching Gifts

Your gift could be doubled if your employer offers a matching gift program. Please contact your Human Resources department for the appropriate paperwork.


Should you wish to make a gift of stocks, please contact Daniele Levine at 617-501-1073 or for the necessary information.

Donate By Check

Please mail to:

Community Cooks
337 Somerville Avenue
Somerville, MA 02143

Thank you for supporting 35 years of nourishing our communities.